作 者:王兴扬 审订,伍乐其 主编
出 版 社:世图音像电子出版社
版 次:1
页 数:408
字 数:960000
开 本:16开
纸 张:胶版纸
印 次:1
I S B N :9787887800206
包 装:平装
定 价:¥39.80
1. 200篇涵盖十类不同素材的经典美文——励志散文、人生感悟、名家作文、名人演讲、经典名篇、电影对白、人物访谈、英美文化、报刊时文、真题原文;
2. 含专四词汇注释和例句、难句解析、中文对照,以及相关背景介绍;
3. 每篇文章均配MP3音频和同步字幕。
Unit 1青春励志
Catch the Star That Holds Your Destiny抓住你生命中的那颗星
What You See is What You Get你得到的就是你想到的
Don’t Look Back告别过去
Never Stop Dreaming别停下梦想的脚步
Born to Win天生赢者
We Are on a Journey人在旅途
I Wish真心地祝愿
You are Fortunate你是幸运的
Never Give up Hope永不放弃希望
Dream Will Come True梦想终有成真时
I Want to Know我想知道的是
Choosing Optimism选择乐观
Rainbow Comes After a Storm风雨过后见彩虹
Free to Soar自由飞翔
Just for Today就为了今天
Self-Acceptance Leads to Happiness天生我材必有用
Failure Is Your Friend把失败当作朋友
Twenty Dollars20美元
Unit 2 人生感悟
Story of Life生命的故事
Don’t Miss out on Life生命只有一次
Where is Happiness?幸福在哪里?
Offer Nothing but a Smile绽放微笑
A Full-time School Called Life生活是一所全日制学校
Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself彻悟自我
The Goodness of Life生命的美好
Happiness is a Journey幸福是一段旅程
The Happy Door快乐之门
Five Balls of Life生命中的五个球
The Bamboo Trees竹的启示
Learn to Live in the Present Moment学会活在当下
When Love Beckons to You爱的召唤
What Does It Mean to Be a Lover?爱一个人意味着什么?
Clear Your Mental Space净化你的思绪
On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth有感于青春常在
The Wholeness of Life健全的人生
The Smile微笑
The Practice of Peace心静如水
Unit 3 名家作文
An October Sunrise十月的日出
A Valley山谷
Of Studies论读书
The Choice of Companion论择友
The Song of the River河之歌
Of Beauty论美
January Wind一月的风儿
Summer Sunrises on the Mississippi密西西比河上夏天的日出
The Poetry of Late Summer夏末的诗意
First Snow第一场雪
A Winter Walk冬日漫步
Glories of the Storm暴风雨的荣光
How Should One Read a Book?怎样读书?
The Lesson of a Tree一棵树的劝诫
The Joys of Writing写作的乐趣
Once More to the Lake旧湖重游
A Summer Day夏日
A Wet Sunday in a Country Inn乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天
Change Makes Life Beautiful生命美于变化
Unit 4 名人演讲
Inaugural Address of Obama奥巴马就职演说
Bill Gates’ Speech at Harvard比尔?盖茨哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲
Hillary Clinton Endorses Barack Obama希拉里退选演说
Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt罗斯福就职演说
Yang Lan’s Speech at IOC 112th Session杨澜申奥演讲
Clinton’s Farewell Speech克林顿告别演说
Steve Jobs’ Speech at Stanford University乔布斯斯坦福大学毕业典礼演讲
Kennedy’s Moon Speech肯尼迪航天计划演讲
Rowling’s Harvard Speech罗琳哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水
I Have a Dream我有一个梦想
Gettysburg Address葛底斯堡演说
Larry Page’s Speech at University of Michigan拉里?佩奇密歇根大学演讲
Ernest Hemingway’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech海明威诺贝尔文学奖致辞
Michelle Obama’s Plea for Education美国第一夫人米歇尔首次外交演讲
President Obama Celebrates Independence Day奥巴马发表独立日献词
Secretary Chu’s Remarks at Harvard University美国能源部长朱棣文哈佛演讲
Oprah’s Stanford Commencement Speech奥普拉斯坦福大学毕业典礼演讲
Hillary’s Speech at World Conference on Women希拉里妇女大会演讲
Inaugural Address of Nelson Mandela曼德拉就职演说
Unit 5 经典名篇
On Motes and Beams微尘与栋梁
On Lying论说谎
Love Your Life热爱生活
What I Have Lived for我为何而生
The Author’s Account of Himself作者自述
The World as I See It我的世界观
Three Days to See假如给我三天光明
True and False Simplicity真假纯朴
O Captain! My Captain! 啊,船长!我的船长!
The Furthest Distance in the World世界上最遥远的距离
The Mother母亲颂
Courage of Life生活的勇气
Napoleon to Josephine拿破仑致约瑟芬
Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Excerpt) 徳伯家的苔丝(节选)
Vanity Fair (Excerpt) 名利场(节选)
The Scarlet Letter (Excerpt) 红字(节选)
Sister Carrie (Excerpt) 嘉莉妹妹(节选)
We Were Dear to Each Other我们相亲相爱
Unit 6 电影对白
Roman Holiday罗马假日
Gone with the Wind飘
Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄
Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见
The Social Network社交网站
Forrest Gump阿甘正传
Brave Heart勇敢的心
Kung Fu Panda功夫熊猫
The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button本杰明?巴顿奇事
The Truman Show楚门的世界
The Legend of 1900海上钢琴师
The Queen女王
The Lion King狮子王
Love Story爱情故事
The Bridges of Madison County廊桥遗梦
Sleepless in Seattle西雅图不眠夜
Jane Eyre简?爱
Unit 7 人物访谈
Bruce Lee李小龙
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs at D5比尔?盖茨和史蒂夫?乔布斯
P&G’s A. G. Lafley宝洁前CEO雷富礼
Gordon Brown—Prime Minister of Britain英国前首相戈登?布朗
James Cameron詹姆斯?卡梅隆
Jon Huntsman洪博培
Nike CEO Mark Parker耐克CEO马克?帕克
Michael Phelps菲尔普斯
Timothy Geithner蒂莫西?盖特纳
Kobe Bryant科比?布莱恩特
Gary Faye Locke骆家辉
Yo-Yo Ma马友友
Adidas CEO Herbert Hainer阿迪达斯CEO赫尔伯特?海纳
Angelina Jolie安吉丽娜?朱莉
Bill Clinton比尔?克林顿
Laura Welch Bush劳拉?威尔士?布什
Nicole Kidman妮可?基德曼
Sallie Krawcheck萨莉?克劳切克
Interview on 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine关于2011年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的访谈
Helen Mirren海伦?米林
Unit 8 英美文化
Valentine’s Day情人节
Melting Pot大熔炉
Golden Gate Bridge金门大桥
Mall of America美国商城
Party Time派对时间
New York City Culture纽约文化
Men on the Money美元上的伟大人物
College Life大学生活
Ramadan in America美国的斋月
MLK Holiday Celebrates Late Civil Rights Leader马丁?路德?金纪念日
English Food英国饮食
Rainy Britain阴雨的英国
UK Music Festivals英国音乐节
New Year’s Eve新年前夕
Soap Operas肥皂剧
William Shakespeare莎士比亚
Tastes of Britain英国传统风味
Unit 9 报刊题源阅读
Do Junk Food Taxes Work?开征垃圾食品税有用吗?
Home is Where You are Happy家是让你快乐的地方
The Gilt of Despots瑞士银行欲洗脱偷税天堂的恶名
KFC’s Colonel Sanders肯德基爷爷的真实故事
The Sounds We Can’t Resist广告中无法抗拒的声音
The Optimism Bias盲目乐观也有好处
Maybe Geniuses Just Got Lucky也许是运气造就了天才
Confidence Game家庭主妇停止工作后丧失信心
Weather Forecasting天气预报
Aging Populations人口老龄化
Insects Will be Part of UK Diet2020年昆虫将成为主食
Is This the Death of Telephone?固定电话的消亡
How Can We Reverse Aging?改变心态能否使人变得更年轻?
The Scary New Rich胆小的新贵
Sweetheart Dethroned甜心陨落
Exercise and Longevity健身与长寿的关系
Cosmetic Treatment for Men男性美容
The Belly of the Beast腹中新发现
Baby Names孩子起名学问大
Kepler’s World开普勒的世界
Unit 10 专四真题阅读
Roles for the Mechanical Engineer机械工程师的任务
How to Make a Good Public Speaking令人满意的公共演讲
Problems in Sharing a House合住的烦恼
The Pros and Cons of Interview面试的利弊
The Habits of the Solitary习惯性孤独
Foreign Motorists外国司机
When It’s Light Out, You’re Out去室外玩耍吧
Liberating the Modern Woman? 解放现代妇女?
A Country’s Standard of Living国家的“生活标准”
Marriage Partnerships婚姻关系
Sending Children to School送孩子上学
Forms of Communication交流方式
British Surnames英国人的姓氏
Decline of Reading阅读的衰退
The Nature of the Scientific Attitude科学态度的本质
Unsolved Mysteries未解之谜
A Collective Style of Living集体生活方式
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