书名: 焊接英语
书号: A25-9315
ISBN: 978-7-5045-9315-3
作者: 赵丽玲
开本: 16K
装订: 平
字数: 179 千字
定价: ¥18.00
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
出版日期: 2012-05-03
最后印刷时间: 2012-05-03
Unit 1 Welding Materials 1
Lesson 1 Identify Carbon Steel and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes 2
Lesson 2 Identify Submerged Arc Welding Materials 8
Lesson 3 Identify Gas Metal Arc Welding Materials 14
Lesson 4 Identify the Welding Materials for TIG Welding 19
Unit 2 Welding Procedure Specification 24
Lesson 1 Identify Welding Positions and Symbols 25
Lesson 2 Identify Welds 30
Lesson 3 Select Welding Currents and Polarities 35
Lesson 4 Make Welding Procedure Specification 40
Unit 3 Welding Equipment 45
Lesson 1 Pay Attention to Safety 46
Lesson 2 Read the Control Panel 51
Lesson 3 Operate Welding Machines 58
Lesson 4 Troubleshooting 62
Unit 4 Welding Drawing 67
Lesson 1 Identify Welding Symbols 68
Lesson 2 Read Part Drawings 74
Lesson 3 Read Assembly Drawings 78
Lesson 4 Read Technical Requirements of Structure Drawings 83
Unit 5 Apply For a Job 87
Lesson 1 Read an Employment Advertisement 88
Lesson 2 Write a Resumé 92
Lesson 3 Write a Self Recommendation Letter 97
Lesson 4 Have an Interview 101
Appendix 1 Vocabulary 105
Appendix 2 Translation 116
References 124
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