商务英语词汇具有其独自的特点:第一,词汇所包含的商务释义丰富。很多词汇不仅具有日常生活英语的基本释义,还有其在商务领域的独特含义。比如interest这个非常简单的词汇,不仅表示“有意思”,在商务中更有“利息、利益”的含义。第二,词汇商务含义级准确理解和把握。比如finance这个单词,其实是没有一个精确的中文词汇与之对应的。它宏观意义上是“金融”,微观意义上是“财务”,有两层意思。而在某些特?的场合,如银行业、股票等,又有“融资”的意思。因此,对词汇商务意思的准确把握至关重要。第三,专业术语词汇数量可观。在商务交流中,有大量的专业术语。这些术语都是固定的,不得随意更改,如remm on lnvestment(roi),balancesheet,qualityassurance(qa),total quality management(tqm),mnc和sme等。参加高级考试的考生需懂得并掌握这些基本术语的商务含义,才能准确把握考试内容,从而正确解题。
在《pass bec高频词汇必备.高级》的撰写过程中,环球雅思学校的李海艳老师为本书的策划和编写倾注了大量的心血,在此表示由衷的感谢,对长期以来给予我帮助的环球雅思的各位同事表示谢意。另外,本书参阅了大量国内外相关教材和著作,在此一并表示感谢。同时,也感谢出版社对本书出版的大力支持。
chapter i marketing and sales
1. brand
2. promotion
3. pricing
4. product
5. distribution channel
6. market segment
7. public relations
8. business environment
9. customer relations
10. sales management
11. advertisement
chapter ii human resources management
1. job application
2. qualification
3. recruitment
4. training
5. performance appraisal
6. salary, pension and benefits
hapter iii finance
1. accounting
2. auditing
3. banking
4. currency
5. taxation
chapter iv business strategy
1. mergers and acquisition
2. competitive advantage
3. goals and objectives
chapter v information technology
1. information system
2. e-commerce
3. software
4. telecommunication
chapter vi operation management
1. research and development
2. production
3. process control
4. purchasing
5. quality control
6. supply chain management
7. outsourcing
chapter vh investment
1. stock market
3. futures
4. bond
5. financing
6. insurance
7. real-estate
chapter vm management
1. organisational structure
2. management styles
3. titles and posts
4. facilities
5. motivation
6. time-management
7. teamwork
8. corporate culture
chapter ix internationaltrade
1. balance of trade
2. exchanging rate
3. payment
4. pirate
5. free trade area
6. wto terms
7. multinational companies
8. countries
9. industries
chapter x business ethics
1. environmental protection
2. carbon dioxide
3. sroi
4. industrial espionage
5. health and safety
6. common laws
chapter xi transportation
1. business trip
2. logistics
3. road
4. railway
5. shipping
6. airplane
7. pipe
chapter xii business communication
1. proposal and report
2. contract and agreement
3. telephone
4. presentation
5. complain
6. negotiation
7. business etiquette
8. formal dinner
9. clothes
附录— 图表写作高频词汇
附录二 肚界著名企业译名
附录三 常用缩略语
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